Jumaat, 4 Disember 2015

I'm Sorry But this is Beginner.


Mesti korang tanya mana LIBS? Well he was gone. I'm Sorry but this is for my own benefit and himself. He Don't want me anymore. Sorry korang no more sweetness from us or him. I felt so regret abt it. seriously. He cheat on me at last. His words same as he said to the SLUT. FUCK! Siapa tak marah. Haih.. Okay sekarang ni consetread dengan SPM! OMG! OMG! OMG! hahaha itu la I sekarang I dah kena matang sikit. sikit la. haha. Okay I sedih? Tak. Sebab I ada partner yang setia since 2014. Dulu dia dengan I hanya sepasang dalam gelanggang sekarang dia la peneman dan motivitor I hehe.. Dia study dekat Kolej Klang. Setiap minggu at least jumpa dia 1-2 kali je. Cukup la setakat untuk mengadu. hahaha.. But we don't have any relationship because i'm in SPM year so, i must study harder and move further! Okay bye!